
Showing posts from August, 2019


Desire is possibility seeking expression, or function seeking performance; so if a man has a definite desire to achieve a certain goal in life; he must be a guy that is full of energy to take action without any excuse in the process. It is improper to have a desire and take no action because it will only take the effort of a little action that you apply in everyday activities that always count; without which no man shall receive the reward of desires in life. If you continue to live your life in negativity and failed to adhere to the truthiness behind desire, in the process to accommodate success and dwell in freedom while on earth, you will always end up been miserable in all thy engagement.   It is normal to desire a thing, and is another thing to implement the appropriate actions, friend it is this action that always counts and its capable to generate a positive rewards. Moreover, your ability to think into result will definitely lead you to a better place in life. Get this


In the world today, I think the only aspect an individual should give more and more attention is the area of becoming productive in his lifetime; having says that, let understand what productivity is all about in deep sense of it. The word “PRODUCTIVITY” simple means the efficient use of resources. Moreover, it also mean accomplishing more with the same amount of resources or achieving higher output in terms of volume and quality from the same input. Looking at the above meaning, you will understand that as a person, productivity should be one of the most common priorities in life; which without no man shall accomplish anything in this presence life and even in the world to come. You know, when God started creation it was out of creativeness it does so and as the image of God; you have to be creative in other to become productive as a living being. Life is not a thing someone should play with and expect a better result as an output. Having a good conscience about the definition gi