The mindset of a Champion


In every moment of life, I've been in the state of imagination, without a prompt action attached to it,

and that has kept me in a state of being unproductive for some time. Now, in this article; we’re going to discuss the subject “The mindset of a Champion” .

Every form of war should first begin with self, before passing it to the external. This is because your worst enemy is the mind.

In order for one to overcome and take control of our destiny we first have to wage war in our mind.

    The moment you allow your past to be deceived and take pleasure in your destiny, and you lack the ability to confront it at the right time, you’ve sold out your chance of making progress. However, if we don’t fight with the battles of the mind, it's capable of making suggestions of life purpose and direction in one’s life.

 I was going through a book written by Robert Greene. I discovered three practical steps one can adopt to overcome the battle of the mind. 

These are:

  1.   Become aware of the weakness and illness that can take hold of the mind.

  2.   Then, declare a kind of war on yourself to make yourself move forward.

  3.  Wage ruthless and continual battles on the enemies within you by applying certain strategies.

Whenever, you are surrounded with challenging situations; do you make the most of it by using it as a prototype and make the best possible resistance?  At this point, we should allow ourselves to have a proper understanding of the problem we’re going through and figure out how to overcome it, not reacting the other way round.

In the journey of life there lies all good things before us, to mention, the honor and the reward of whichever side proves the better men. During the preparation of this article, I discovered these sayings from a book titled “The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene” he said: “If someone could turn their minds from wondering what will happen to them, and make them wonder what they could do, they will be much more cheerful.”

That simply means it’s not the amount of pleasure we wage towards war that grants us victory, but the soul that goes to war with a stronger mindset will definitely return back with victory.


Below, are they keynotes to ponder upon:

  •  If you desire a better future; don’t settle with the past.

  • Understand how your mind works, and be in control of what comes in and goes out.

  •  Don’t settle for an imagination.  Give action full attention as you move here.

  • They’ll never be changed, if you don’t know what truly changed.

  • Always, remember that the mind is the center of all things in life. So feed it with positivity..



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