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“Persistence is the only stepping stone that guarantee a mind blowing success, and the absence of it, bring nonnegotiable failure”
-Wisdom Udo.

Persistence is the only tool for self-discipline; and the right application of persistence is the demonstration of self-discipline in action. If you can persist in the face of any setbacks and in your pursue in life; at last you will have a better success.
Napoleon Hill Said, “Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel.”
The root of all success lie in persistence, and likewise, the root of all failure is the lack of persistence, and giving up so soon.
There is a communication between self-discipline and self-esteem. Anytime, you discipline yourself to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not, your self-esteem increases. This is the reason why, the relationship between self-esteem and persistence. Each time you persist and force yourself to continue, even when you feel like giving up, your self-esteem goes up. And every attempt of persistence strengthens every other attempt of persistence. Whenever, you discipline yourself to persist, over and over, you love and give regards to yourself more and more; you become stronger and more confident, and as live goes on, you become unstoppable.

The reward of persistence is huge; imagine this, when you were in a very tender age, and you happen to be in school; and at of this time you were unable to get familiar with the system such as, learning how to read, write, and speak etc.., during this time; someone was guiding you on how to get used to the above listed tasks and out of continuous process, and effective persistence you become perfect and now you are able to read, write and fluently in speaking grammar; and this is something you were unable to do before now, but due to the right application of persistence you defeat all the unknown voice of fear and come out successfully.
And whenever, you look at yourself finding it possible doing what you had to do successfully, you always feel happier and better about yourself.
Moreover, if you go the extra mile and do more than you are paid for or more than is expected, yourself esteem goes up. You will feel more powerful and in greater control of your life. In your profession, when you go the extra mile you put yourself on the side of the angels. And the primary different between winners and losers in life is simple: those that always win never give up, and quitters never win.
And, one of the vital tool you can used to increase your ability to persist is by talking to yourself positively. Say these words: “I am unstoppable!” before you begin a fresh task, preprogram yourself by telling yourself, “I must succeed.”
Before you can achieve anything worthwhile in this presence life, you have to overcome “the persistence test.” This is usually a “snap quiz” sprung on you unexpectedly with no warning, you suddenly face a major setback, disaster, and temporary failure when this happens, always remind yourself that this is the “testing time.” This is when you demonstrate what you are really made of. This is when you show yourself and others the strength of your character and your true determination to succeed.


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